System Verilog : Functional Coverage Options features

Dear Readers,

Functional Coverage is very important in Test Bench Design. It gives us a confidence on covered items listed on verification plan/items. Usually the goal of verification engineer is to ensure that the design behaves correctly in its real environment.

Defining coverage model is very important for any test bench to get the enough confidence on design verification. You can read more on 'Coverage Model in System Verilog'

Here I would like to share some of the important feature of System Verilog Functional Coverage which helps engineer during verification activity.

Coverage Options available in System Verilog through which you can specify additional information in the cover group using provided options

1. Cover Group Comment - 'option.comment'
You can add a comment in to coverage report to make them easier while analysing:

covergroup CoverComment ;
  option.comment = "Register Definition section 1.1";
  coverpoint reg;

In example, you could see the usage of 'option.comment' feature. This way you can make the coverage group easier for the analysis.

2. Per Instance Coverage - 'option.per_instance'
In your test bench, you might have instantiated coverage group multiple times. By default System Verilog collects all the coverage data from all the instances. You might have more than one generator and they might generate different streams of transaction. In this case you may want to see separate reports. Using this option you can keep track of coverage for each instance.

covergroup CoverPerInstance ;
  coverpoint tr.byte_cnt;
  option.per_instance = 1;

3. Threshold using - 'option.at_least' 
This feature is useful when you don't have sufficient visibility in to the design to gather robust coverage. There might be the cases where you just have an information of number of cycles that are needed for the transfers to cover required errors to get generated/simulated for defined cover point. Here you could set the option.at_leaset. For example if we know that we need 10 cycles to cover this particular cover point, you could define option.at_leaset = 10.

4. Control on Empty bins - option.cross_num_print_missing = 1000
System verilog coverage report by default shows only the bins with samples. But usually as a verification engineer our job is to verify all cover point that are listed in verification plan.

covergroup CoverCrossNumPrintMissing ;
    ByteCnt : coverpoint tr.byte_cnt;
    Length : coverpoint tr.length;
   option.cross_num_print_missing = 1000;

5. Coverage Goal - option.goal
In system verilog, coverage goal for a cover group or point is the level at which the group or point is considered fully covered.

covergroup CoverGoal ;
    coverpoint tr.length;
    option.goal = 80;

These are the few important coverage option features which are very useful in defining/coding System Verilog Functional Coverage.

Keep Reading,
ASIC With Ankit

Technology Product Services : "Putting Eggs On More Baskets"

Dear Readers,

We could see many semiconductor product technology services companies have been launched in last few years. Recently I read one article on EE Times India which says "Indian Startup Stats: 379 tech startups launched; 87 closed" This article describes that Indian entrepreneurs are moving ahead with their technology and business experience. Most of the companies are able to make the success in Product Services, Pure Services, Product Development in the field of Technology Products.

I was discussing these with some of the experienced and successful person in the Technology field and concluded that "Putting Eggs on more Bakets" is the safe and Smart way to get succeed and to make the sustainable business. There are many painful things when somebody is starting a company in technology product service field, like Raising an initial Fund, Quick Revenue flow, To get consumers for business etc. These are the common challenges for any new comers in the business field but analysis says that many Indian companies are able to manage these initial pains and proved themselves and came out from this phase.

Once the company comes out from initial pain and revenue starts flowing with the business expansion, second challenge for company is to improve and maintain the business review flow to make the better place in the business field. Experience and study shows that most of the company follows 'Putting Eggs on more Basket' strategy for better stability for long term future.

Putting Eggs on more Basket means expanding customer base or dealing with more customer. In this type of Business Model, In case if one of your customer failed in their business and you lost them, you wont be in serious trouble (definitely there will be impact on business but mostly those are manageable with quick management decision) because you have eggs (service business) on more Baskets (customers). So you wont be completely stuck or in trouble, your revenue flow will not get completely stopped and you can spend your effort to expand your customer base with the help of your ongoing revenue flow and mostly you can be back on track quickly. Most of the services company works on this type of business model for better stability

Ultimately most of the companies are in service directly or indirectly!

ASIC With Ankit   

Plus args in System Verilog is Plus point !!

Dear Readers,

'Plus args in System Verilog is Plus point !!' Statement itself says that here I am going to share on some plus points and how to control Plus args in very popular design verification language called System Verilog (SV).

Plus args are command line switches supported by the simulators. Usually they are application specific. As per System Verilog LRM arguments beginning with the '+' character will be available using the $test$plusargs and $value$plusargs PLI APIs. Plus args are very useful in controlling many things on your environment like controlling your debug mode or to set a value like the debug_level in your environment, set a value to select/deselect particular field in your environment in your simulation.

What is the Syntax :
$value$plusargs (string, variable)

This is a system function searches the list of plusargs. For this system in build function, If a string is found the function returns the value 1'b1. If no strong is found matching, the function returns the value 1'b0 and the variable provided is not modified.

Let's take an example, How should we use this functions in our environment to have control.

bit erro_injection;
error_injection = 0;
if ($test$plusargs ("err"))
error_injection = 1;
$display ("Error Injection =$d", error_injection);

  if ($value$plusargs ("TESTNAME=%S", testname))
    $display ("Running test  %0s.", testname);

'Simulator Command' : +err +TESTNAME=this_test

Here in example, we could see how can we use the $test$plusargs System in build function to have control over error injection as well to select the test case name. This is just an example you can implement your own different arguments based on your application and requirement on various functionality. You can use these different arguments to pass from command line arguments like to get clock, frequency, test name, error injection information from command line.

These kind of switches are very helpful for user to control the environment without knowing the functionality. For example if user wants to run/simulate particular test case with selected frequency and clock information with debug mode enable and error injection disable, he/she just have to pass the appropriate arguments/switches from command line as we discussed in above example.

Here Engineers needs to well take care the implementation logic to give these kind of controlibility for user. He/She has to think in advance on what kind of control we can provide to user to make their life peaceful ! Once we have detailed information on what controls we need to give user, we can implement our environments to support those all switches/arguments in our environment using system in build functions.

This way we can have control over environment using plusarg feature, this is a plus point in Verilog as well as in System Verilog and because of these I would say "Plus args in these languages are Plus Point"

Keep Sharing with Ankit
ASIC With Ankit

Debugging is not free!!

Dear Readers,
Debugging is not free!!

Looks very true statement for ASIC Engineers especially who are contributing/working on Verification.  Any test bench must be planned and test bench supports debug is no exception!
Debugging large test benches has changed recently. The test benches are becoming larger and complex than they used to be. In addition to these test benches are now using object oriented constructs, class based libraries, methodologies for verification components. Each of these features adds to the pain of debugging the test benches.
There are couple of major things which should be well take care while architecting the test bench to reduce the pain of Debugging activities (nobody can reduce this activity/phase completely)
1. Well organizased layered architecture of designing test bench.
Test bench should be desinged with debug in mind ! While defining test bench architecture, engineers should make sure each functionality features and cover points, How to cover and organize? Transaction based architecture is really useful to maintain, debug and organize the testbenches, specially when the test benches are really complex  Layered architecture is one of the major architectural strategy which helps engineers during their debugging phase.
2. Naming conventions, directory structure, Class names, class members variables
Engineers are usually not paying attention on these type of such small small things but are very important! Naming conventions, directories and class and members names will not affect your functionality or feature during your verification activity but they will surely help you to reduce your debugging burden!!
Naming conventions help eliminate mistakes by being consistent and simple to understand. Finding things becomes easy. For example finding all the i2c_scoreboard factory creation calls in test bench is easy with grep, we can simply do a grep given below given command:
grep -r i2c_scoreboard *.sv
These things are really helpful to engineers when they starts working on the already designed test bench. There are many product based companies who are keep using their designed test bench from years !! In this case what happens is, when new engineers starts working on these types of compex test bench, they will feel more conform while debugging if the conventions and such things are followed.  Otherwise to understand these type of minor things consumes engineers most of time which is pain for organization!!
3. Selecting methodologies while architecting the environment
Methodologies are performing major part during the debugging phase. All the methodologies have their specially feature and abilities to help designing and debugging the environments / test benches. UVM/VMM/OVM and other methodologies reporting system (messaging) have many abilities including verbosity control, message IDs filtering and hierarchical property setting.
There are many messaging features in methodologies like dynamic message controlling. Sometime certain debuggin should start after many clocks or after some condition is reached. Once condition reached we want to change the verbosity level, we can do this using the methodology feature, For example : In UVM :
repeate (100000) @ (posedge clk);
This way we can set the verbosity level when we want to avoid generating large log files and to make debug easy, This way there are hundreds of other feature which helps in debugging, please refer methodology reference manual for further details.
Keeping these things in mind if we design test bench, we will surely be saving our deugging time!
Happy Reading,
ASIC With Ankit

SV Macros : Basic with some Interesting facts!!

Dear Readers,

Recently I found very interesting thing about ‘macro’, Let me discuss this in detail. First let's understand what is macro and how is it useful for us ?

What is Macro ?
A macro is a literal name used in a program that is substituted by some value before the program is compiled. Macros are useful as an alias, they are not variables. Almost all modern languages supports macros ! An interesting feature which helps helps engineers in making some complex thing easy (However, clubbing information in macro itself is tough and challenging in some situation ;))
Now, lets discuss on How & Where to use macros?
Where : Macros are used in various places during the implementation, some places like:
  1. Interface instantiation in test bench
  2. Functional Coverage
  3. Assertion/Checker 
These are some of the major places where people mostly use macros to reduce the number of code lines and to understand and utilize same piece of logic in test bench.

How : Explaining a how part is always easy with example, engineers understand things quickly with examples, right ?

Example :

`define XYZ (i) i``_suffix

This expands:
`XYZ(bar) to bar_suffix

Let's take an one more example:

`define DATA_TYPE(A) A

Using this macro we can do following.

Instead of writing integer a, we can write `DATA_TYPE(integer) a;

Above mention examples are basic and simple to understand but in complex test benches we might end up having an requirement where we need macro which can hold hundreds of code lines information
For example, my RTL has an interface, where hundreds of signals defined but signals are repetitive in nature with respect to number of client/hosts etc...

So during the instantiation of these kind of DUT, I would suggest to use macros for these kind of signals and try to club in to one macro which can hold an argument, based on argument passed, it will generate sets of signals for each client/hosts and make and instantiation.

For example:
RTL has signals given below

write_0_host, write_1_host, write_2_host
while instantiating these signal in test bench, we can use macro mechanism to make it easy and controllable:
`define WRITE_FOR_HOST(i) \
.write_``i``_host   (write_``i``_host)

After defining macro, use these in your port connection

abc  xyz (
   ..... signals port instantiation
   .abc  (abc),
   .pqr (pqr)

These way you can create a sets of signal instantiation by using macro and is very useful when you have hundreds of this kind of signals.

Some interesting facts:

  1. If you have space in between macro name and argument, we need to maintain the space during the call of that macro. In above example WRITE_FOR_HOST(i) does not have space in between macro name and argument "(i)" list. If you use `WRITE_FOR_HOST  (i) then compiler will give you an error. So always take care of space between macro name and its argument.
  2. If you have some white space after your end of character "\", compiler gives you an error like ""zero length escaped identifier". While space are not visible. In some cases by mistake we might have left some white spaces after "\", which means "\" is not at the end of line and compiler will shout for this kind of issue. Issues mentioned above are generally hard to debug because both the issues are with white spaces and white space are not visible!!
Wishing you a happy SV writing ! Keep reading, comments and suggestions are always welcome.

Happy Reading,

SVA : System Verilog Assertion is for Designer too!!

Dear Reader,

I have been hearing one question over SVA is "Is System Verilog Assertion is for Designer too?". Usually the impression is 'System Verilog is for Verification'. I agree with this impression to some extend but there are some strong constructs in SV which adds values for designers too for design coding !

Actually System Verilog is nothing but a extension of Verilog, It has everything to support Verilog with lots of new features for Verification as well as for design!! This is again one important topic to discuss, I will try to cover this in some other blog post. Here I would try to capture question which I have mentioned above "Is System Verilog Assertion is for Designer too?".

Simple answer to this question is "YES" !!

Usually Verification engineers add assertions to a design after the HDL models have been written which means placing the assertions on module boundaries to signals within the model, or modifying the design models to insert assertions within the code.

Design Engineers can/should write assertion within a design while the HDL models are being coded. Usually here is where main question/challenges occurred, what type of scenario or assertions designer should provide within design? Answer to this question is : Decision should made before design work begins.

There is no doubt that 'Verilog Checks like assertions can be added into a design using the standard Verilog language' But I would like to point out some drawbacks on writing verilog checks like assertions this way,

1. Complex Verilog checks can require writing complex Verilog code.
2. Checks written in Verilog will appear to be part of the RTL model to a synthesis compiler.
3. Verilog assertion/checks will be active throughout simulation, there are ways to control over it but there is no simple way like SVA does with system functions ($assertoff, $asserton, $assertkill etc..)
Please read my blog post on "SVA Control Methods"

Let me explain some advantages for designer with SVA:

1. SystemVerilog assertions are ignored by synthesis. The designer does not need to include translate_off / translate_on scattered throughout the RTL code.
2. SystemVerilog Assertions can easily be disabled or enabled at any point during simulation, as needed. This is a beauty of SVA!! Don't you think ?

I have covered 2nd advantage in my blog post "SVA Control Method"

These advantages allows designer to add assertions to RTL code and gives a flexibility to disable the assertions for simulation speed later in the design process. Using this control methods we can focus to a specific region of the design by controlling assertions dynamically or disabling respected assertion in the design.

Suggestions and Comments are always welcome.

ASIC With Ankit

SVA : System Verilog Assertions - Dynamic Control Methods to control Assertions

Dear AwA Readers,

System Verilog assertions are becoming popular now a days and industries are adopting SVA as part of their verification environment. SVA (System Verilog Assertions) are useful in many areas in design as well as in Verification. There has been a debate going on since long on "Who should write assertion designer or verification engineer ?" This question inspired me to write on blog post to discuss this point, you can refer my blog post on 'Who should write SVA?'

Well, here I would like to discuss SVA control mechanism which will answers your question "How to control SVA dynamically?"

One of the biggest issue with Verilog type Assertion is that they are either always on or through `defines, set to be always off. They could not be turn ON or OFF dynamically. System Verilog Assertions have resolved this issue by adding system functions called $assertoff, $asserton and $assertkill.

Definition :
1. $assertoff:
This system function is used to disable all assertions but allows currently active assertions to complete before being disabled.
2 $asserton:
This system function is used to turn all assertions back on
3. $assertkill:
This system function used to kill and disable all assertions including currently active assertions.

By using $assertoff, the assertions specified as argument of this function will be turned off until a $asserton is executed. This way you can control assertions dynamically. Isn't it interesting ? It is !! I have used these feature in one of my project years back and realized it's beauty. Using these system tasks you can make your assertions dynamic and based on need and requirement you can make them enable or disable. You can even kill using $assertkill all assertions if you dont want to run them during your simulation. Wow !!!! Isn't it a real beauty?, Engineers are now super flexible to use and control the SVAs :)

Dynamic control of Assertions can be used to turn off assertions during reset and initialization or during simulation erroneous protocol behavior.

I had a situation where I had to shut off all my assertions and let my simulation run to cover some of my interesting and robustness types of scenarios. You might have situations where you might need to shut off your all implemented assertions or some particular assertions during your simulation. SVA allows us to use these system functions and we can play around with these system to have full control on Assertion ON-OFF or event to kill all assertion in some cases.

Have fun with SVA (System Verilog Assertions) and use its super functionality with user friendly control !!

ASIC With Ankit

System Verilog Fork Join : The most important and very useful process control feature!

Dear AwA Readers,

I have been hearing many discussion on fork join (Process Control) Block in System Verilog. In most of the verification environment people are using fork join to control different process/threads in parallel. As a design or verification engineer you will definitely come across a situation where you dont have option other than 'fork... join' !! 

Fork... Join construct of System Verilog actually enables concurrent processes from each of its parallel process/statements. This features is basically came from Verilog language, Its mostly used for forking parallel processes in Test Benches. System Verilog came up with improved and advanced features capability in fork join construct which adds lot of values for test bench implementer. Those are given below: 
  • More Controllability : It has three different ways to control parallel processes.
    1. Normal fork.. join : This type of fork join, waits for completion of all of the threads.
    2. fork...join_any : The parent process blocks until any one of the processes spawned by this fork complete. This means if you have 2 process in your fork block and each needs different times to complete. In this case whichever process completes first, fork join will comes out of the block and will start executing the next statement in simulation. This does not mean that rest of the 2 process will be automatically discarded by simulation. Those process will be running in the background.  
    3. fork...join_none : The parent process continues to execute concurrently with all the processes spawned by the fork. The spawned processes do not start executing until the parent thread executes a blocking statement. This means it does not wait for completion of any threads, it just   starts and then immediately comes out from the fork join loop. This also does not mean that it will not execute threads. It will !! The thing is, it will not block (executes each thread parallel in background) the simulation and will simply move forward and execute next statement in simulation.
  • Process Destruction: SV has different constructs/ in-build methods for destruction of  process.   
  1. wait fork : There is a question on "What will we do, when we need to wait fork threads to finish after some simulation time? which means we does not want to move forward until we finish each thread in fork join. So to solve this problem SV has one more construct called 'wait fork'. 
  2. disable fork : Now suppose you have exited the fork loop by join_none or join_any and after some steps or after some simulation time you want to kill all the threads spanned by the previous fork loop. What will you do ? So dont worry, SV has "disable fork" for the same !! Dot you think its interesting   ?? It is !!
  3. disable _thread : This is a real beauty and value addition for SV fork join block. Now there are some scenarios where you need some kind of controllable constructs through which you can disable particular threads out of your multiple threads running in your fork..join block. For example: you have exited fork loop by join_none or join_any and after some steps you want to kill just one thread (out of many). To solve this problem system verilog has construct/block called "disable". you can have named begin end thread and call 'disable'. If you want to disable only the 2nd thread after exiting the loop via join_any or join_none, then add "disable second_thread" at the point where you want to disable the second thread. 
SV has some fine grain process control methods too !! Using this build in class methods you can add more values and make your solid control over processes ! Don't you think these are the beauties of System Verilog for Verification Environment ? 

Hope this brief explanation on fork join threads and different methods will add some more knowledge and clears the fundamental for its usage in Test Bench development.


USB 3.0 : Future is here, Its time for Super Speed !!

Dear AwA Readers,

Well, its quite common and usual that a common man knows about USB at least by its name! We as an Engineer at least know what is USB devices and how are they being used in our day to day life.

I was working on USB (USB 1.0/2.0) protocol 2-3 years back, during that time people were working on USB 1.0 and USB 2.0 IPs. USB 1.0 was supporting 12Mbps and 1.5 MBps. The original USB1.0 standard was introduced in 1996 and then USB1.0 technology got matured by 1997 and then first widely used version of USB1.1 introduced since then industry was working on USB1.0 technology. In year 2000 USB2.0 was introduce with higher data transfer rate which was 480MBps Since then industry is working on USB2.0 Technology. This is one of the most popular and successful technology I have ever seen. I am not a old guy with years of experience to say but have been hearing the same from many experience technical person !

USB technology/devices are becoming part of individuals life. People are using USB in their daily life and making their data transfer work faster !! When I get started working on USB 2.0 verification, I realized the concept and efficiency of data transfer with higher data transfer rate. Usage is very easy, its plug and play type device for user but its super tough to design/architect its device enumeration/attachment process !!

I was thinking USB 2.0 is amazing and people are use to this technology with all available devices in market. But as we know "Technology keeps on moving and we too" !! Now they have came up with new version of USB which 3.0 (Super Speed) version with super fast data rate up to 5Gbps !!! Don't you think its super fast ? It is !

It means now we can transfer 16 GB data in 53 seconds where USB2.0 technology was taking 8.9 minutes to transfer the same data !! Dont you think its super fast !!

Our history says, In 2006 alone over 2 billion USB devices were shipped and there are over ~8 billion which have been installed today !! This is for USB2.0. Now think of USB3.0 which is just gearing up. Huge scope and bigger space to grow towards this technology which means Future is here !!

Based on my knowledge and USB popularity, I am expecting 1 billion devices to be shipped by 2014!!

Well, I am super excited to see growth on super speed USB business !! I have already started reading USB3.0 protocol excited to see difference over USB2.0 which I know a little bit :)

ASIC With Ankit

Importance of Constrained Random Verification Approach

Dear All,

As a verification Engineers we must know what technique should be used in Test Bench development to verify IP, FPGA or any ASIC/SoC Verification.

I have been hearing many ideas, techniques and approaches on Directed Testing as well as Constrained Random Verification. Here I would like to share some advantages of CRV (Constrained Random Verification) over Directed Testing/Verification. Let us try to understand in brief on both approaches

First, let me give you an idea on 'What is Directed Testing?'

Directed Verification Environment with a sets of directed tests is extremely time-consuming and difficult to maintain. Directed tests only cover conditions that have been anticipated by the verification team, This can lead to costly re-spins and still there are changes of missing market windows which is extremely painful for any semiconductor company.

In directed Verification testing, Engineers spends good amount of time to understand the functionality of Design and identify different verification scenarios to cover functionality. Once they are done with identifying scenarios, they start defining directed test bench architecture. Traditionally verification IP (VIP) works in a directed test environment by acting on specific testbench commands such as read, write or some other commands to generate transactions for specific protocol testing. This type of directed testing is used to verify that an interface behaves as expected in response to valid/invalid transaction. Bigger risk with this type of testing is that directed tests only test for predicted behavior. So some time it leads to extremely costly bugs found in silicon which they missed during the scenario identification phase !!

Constrained Random Verification Methodology gives effective method to achieve coverage goals faster and most importantly it helps in finding corner case problem. Advantage is, Engineers does not have to write many test cases, smaller set of constrained-random scenario with few full random test scenario are good enough to fulfill coverage goals (functional as well as code coverage).

Based on my experience and understanding, usually people follows layered architecture in constrained random verification. (For better understanding of layered architecture, click on Gopi's Blog or Read VMM User manual by Synopsys) where you will see Test layer controls over whole verification environment and component. Mostly this control will be given to user. So user can run same test suites with different configuration if require to achieve coverage goal. In constrained random approach, scoreboards are used to verify that data has successfully reached to its destination while monitors snoops the interfaces to provide coverage information. New or revised constraints focus verification on the uncovered scenarios to meet coverage goal. As verification progresses the simulation tool identifies the best seeds which are then retained as regression tests to create a set of scenarios, constraints and seeds. In this approach of verification, you will be having less number of test cases which is enough to achieve coverage goals. I have observed one best usage of Directed tests in random verification, Here I am describing the best usage place of directed tests.

Always use directed tests after regression cycles of random verification, Random verification regression cycles gives some corner scenarios which are always left in coverage and you can always identify from functional and code coverage analysis. So identify those kind of scenario and write directed tests with specific constraint to cover specific scenario. This way coverage will be achieved !

Constrained Random Verification is very popular now a days because of so many reason, I have tried to capture couple of differences and advantages over both techniques.

Hope this post adds better understanding over constrained random verification technique.

Note : Special Thanks to Mr Gopi Krishna allowing me to use his webpages as references and posting my couple of interesting posts on his website My Coverage Post, My Pass/Fail Message Post

Comments, suggestion and questions are always welcome !


Polymorphism: One of the most important feature for Test Bench Development.

Dear Readers,

Here I would like to share basic and most important fundamental of OOP (Object Oriented Programing) language 'polymorphism'. Polymorphism is one of the most important feature used in Test Bench development using System Verilog. Understanding of this fundamental is very important if you are planing to work with System Verilog with any kind of methodology (AVM, VMM, OVM, UVM).

Definition of Polymorphism :
As per the SV LRM "Polymorphism allows the use of the variable in the superclass to hold sublcass object and to reference the methods of those subclasses directly from the superclass variable."
 Which means, A single task can be implemented using the same name and implemented differently as each type in object hierarchy requires. Later when polymorpic object (whose type is not known at compile time) executes the virtual method and the correct implementation is chosen and executed at run time.

To achieve polymorphism the 'virtual' identifier must be used when defining the base class and method(s) within that class.

Let me give you a brief example to understand polymorphism in detail which helps you in your test bench development:


Note: Click on the image to see example with big fonts

When you run above example you will see below result:

Output :
send Method from class 'Base'
send method from class 'Ext_Base'

You will see in example line number 30 where Extended class from base class 'ext_b' has been allocated a memory by doing new and then on line number 31 we assigned a memory between two objects (b and ext_b). Now when we called b.send(), it will call extended class method. This is called polymorphism.

Hope this example, with explanation gives you a better idea on polymorphism. I am sure this will helps you in your test bench development.

Enjoy !
ASIC With Ankit

Is VHDL is gearing up with new methodology called OS VVM??

Dear Readers,

Recently Aldec, Inc has announced in collaboration with SynthWork Design, Inc on Open Source VHDL Verification Methodology (OS-VVM) !! Isn't it interesting !!!

From last couple of years experts have been coming up with lots of new methodology, I have heared about RVM, VMM, OVM, UVM, AVM now its VVM.....!!!!

The way methodology are coming up in market, it indirectly forcing engineers to get ready themselves with up to date with new methodologies !! Companies might accept any available methodology based on their need and other so many factors !! Having knowledge of such methodology definitely helps individuals to jump in to any time !!

Now coming back to VHDL methodology, it seems companies are trying to keep alive the VHDL world !! From last couple of years it has been noted that new language standards such as System Verilog, System C has captured market so quickly and leaving VHDL Designers with dilemma of learning a new languages !!

It seems VHDL methodology is a try to keep alive VHDL world and engineers ! This may open a hope for VHDL Engineers for upcoming new opportunities with VHDL. Now that it is an announcement of openly available methodology, let's see how it goes and how it get success to capture market or companies confidence !!

I haven't started reading these methodology but I am damn sure System Verilog with its methodology would be definitely better than this one at least for verification !! Still I would love to read VVM for VHDL to understand what are the new features they have added for users !!

They said, VVM provides access to advance randomization and functional-coverage capabilities that can be used in any test bench !! I am eagerly waiting to read this methodology to know how they are providing these features with VHDL !!

Don't you think its interesting !!

ASIC With Ankit