Basic Interview Questions for ASIC

Dear Readers,

In ASIC field, these are the most common questions people use to ask in interviews. So here I would like to share these type of questions with answers that can be useful to brush up fundamentals for ASIC engineer as well as any person who are using languages like Verilog, SystemVerilog, Vera etc...

Que : What is difference between Task and Function in Verilog?

Ans : The following rules distinguish tasks from functions:

  • A function shall execute in one simulation time unit;
  • A task can contain time-controlling statements.
  • A function cannot enable a task;
  • A task can enable other tasks or functions.
  • A function shall have at least one input type argument and shall not have an output or inout type argument;
  • A task can have zero or more arguments of any type.
  • A function shall return a single value; a task shall not return a value.

Que : How will you generate clock in Verilog?
Ans : There are many ways to generate clock in Verilog we could use one of the following:

     clk = 0;
   always begin
     #5 clk =~clk ;

      clk = 0;
      forever begin
         #5 clk =~clk ;

      clk = 0;
always begin
   #5 clk =0;
   #5 clk =1;

These are the ways which I know, there can be some other ways through which you can generate clock in Verilog. This peace of code can be useful for clock generation where you would like to generate clock.

I will keep updating some more question with answers. Please feel free to shoot me an email if you have any question and suggestions are always welcome. You can drop me an email with your feedback on

Happy Reading,
ASIC With Ankit